Rabu, 21 Januari 2009

Ayur Vedic Massage Oil

Ayur Vedic atau biasa dikenal dengan Ayur Weda adalah pemanfaatan lima unsur alam untuk menciptakan produk perawatan tubuh. Lima unsur tersebut adalah api, air, tanah, udara dan angin. Bagian yang paling penting dalam ayur weda adalah rempah, minyak dan teknik pijat.

01. Vatta ( calming ) Dengan wewangian: Cinnamon, ginger, rose, jasmine, geranium, patchouli, musk. Based oil: Grape seed oil.
Benefits: warm, calm, and relaxing the skin and body of the over reactive the vatta constitution. Nourish your dry and dehidrated skin, especially during the windy and dry and cold season.

02. Pitta ( cooling ) Dengan wewangian: Peppermint, eucalyptus, ylang ylang, sandal wood, tangerine. Based oil: Grape seed oil.
Benefits: soothest and cooling down the muscles and skin of the sensitive pitta constitution. Aids in the cooling of your body temperature and support the healing calm needed for pitta's active mind and personality.

03. Kapha ( energizing ) Dengan wewangian: Lemon, bargamot, basil, amber, frangifani, cedar wood, lemon grass. Based oil: Grape seed oil.
Benefits: warm and stimulates the muscles, skin and bodyof the kapha constitution. Rejuvenate and stimulates the lackluster temperament without irritation. Aids in warming the body temperature and powerfull therapeutic aroma help to energize undereactive personality.

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